Random bits about me...
Breathwork I Mindset Coaching
Some other bits and pieces about me…
- Former High School educator and Language Consultant (IELTS)
- Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner
- Yogini (YTT 200hr)
- Breathwork Facilitator
- Spiritual seeker + meditator
- Manifesting Generator, Introvert + Empath
- Meat-based + whole foods
- Traveller and former expat
- Aussie with a super Italian name
- Adorer of Felines big and small
- Handstander, lover of movement
My mission...
I’m here to help you fall in love with yourself, let go of what’s stopping you from healing your body, mind, heart and soul so that you can create the life you dream of.
I’m here to hold space for your healing.
I’m here to be a guide for you on your journey.
I’m here to support your growth, encourage and challenge you.
I’m here to share experiences with you.
I’m here to teach you how to love yourself.
And I do all that with
Breathwork, Yoga, Meditation and Mindset work
My mission is for you to find joy in the mundane, be grateful for every moment, trust that God/Source/The Universe has your back and most importantly, that you are able to give and receive love.

The lack of love I felt throughout my life made living hard.
I only started saying the words “I love you” (to myself) in 2020.
And it was HARD.
Much harder than living without love.
That first day that I looked at my 39 year old face in the mirror and said “I love you” almost brought tears to my eyes.
“How do I believe these words?”
“How do I embody these words?”
And it doesn’t matter what you look like, how old you are, how successful you are, how much cool stuff you have, how much money you have in the bank, how many awesome people there are around you, how much opportunity you have, those three little words can be near impossible to say to yourself.
“I love you”
We say it so easily (and often quickly) to other people when we feel the flutter of emotion in our hearts.
We say it so easily to the little people in our lives, who capture our hearts.
The same goes for our friends and our family.
Some people even say it to strangers!
But to say these three little words to ourselves and really mean it is something that many people don’t, won’t and can’t do.
And I see this as a HUGE problem.
If we can’t love ourselves, how can we expect to live a happy life?
If we can’t love ourselves, how can we expect to be healthy?
If we can’t love ourselves, how can we expect to feel fulfilled, and follow our heart’s desires?
If we can’t love ourselves, how can we withstand the hard times, the challenges, the struggles, the knock backs, the failures?
f we can’t love ourselves, how can we expect to love others, fully, without judgement?
And this love for ourselves extends to the whole world, because…
Every single person on earth impacts the life of another.
This impact causes a ripple effect, for better or worse.
And being able to live a life where we love and accept ourselves means that we can love and accept others, as they are.
For their differing opinions and thoughts.
For their choices and preferences.
For who they are.
Can you imagine a world where everyone loved themselves so fully and completely that there was no desire for jealousy, for comparison, for retaliation, for hatred, for violence, for war, for manipulation, for control??
A world where we can all live freely and fully, just like our breath?
I believe that we can achieve this!
But we have to learn to love and accept ourselves fully in order to get there.
So if you come along for the ride with me, you’ll soon understand that everything we think, feel, believe and experience is connected to how much you love yourself.
From the joy and gratitude, to the strength and growth and also, the reality of our own world. They are all connected to love.
And I want this for you… and for me
(I’m not gonna lie and tell you I’ve got it altogether all the time!)
So let’s be on this journey towards full acceptance and love of ourselves, together.
I will be here for you every step of the way.
And this all starts with uncovering and letting go of everything you have stored within.
This starts with Breathwork.
Because the breath can teach us love.
And yes, it is work, I’m not going to lie.
(it’s why it’s called Breath-work)
But if I can do it, so can you.
You can let go of bottled up emotions.
You can let go of stored traumas, that you’ve accumulated in this life or brought over from others.
You can allow the breathe to bring about the change that you’ve been looking for, longing for.
So let’s all go on this journey together.
This journey of love.
This journey of full acceptance.
This journey of gratitude.
This journey of joy.
This journey of opening up
This journey of releasing what no longer serves us.
This journey to a the best, most fulfilled version of you.
Because the Universe/God/Source wants you to have all that you desire, and then some.
And so it will be.
You are deserving of love.
You are worthy of love.
You are love.
I’m so grateful you’re here and I’m so grateful to be on this journey with you.
So let’s start with the Breath.
Sign up for your first Breathwork session with me and see where your breath takes you.
The first one is on me, just email [email protected] and I’ll get you sorted for the first session.
If the membership is open to join (it opens for a limited time only a few times a year), you can join HERE
I am so excited for you and I can’t wait to see you in a class with me.
Let’s Breathe for love, for health, for change, for growth, for strength, for resilience, for joy, for grace, for gratitude, for our transformation.
You’ve got this.
(And I’ve got your back).
So start by heading to your mirror and saying these words to yourself:
“I love you (name)”
And each time you pass by a mirror today, repeat them.
And with time, they will become true for you, normal for you, a part of you.
I promise you that.
Stay tuned for my online course called Breathe Love coming soon.
It is a Breathwork centred course with a focus on self love, empowerment and transformation.
Sound like something you want to know more about?
Sign up for notifications below and get a FREE Heart-Centred Breathwork practice when you do!
Sending you so much love, healing and transformation,