SUFY Part 7: REST like you LOVE yourself

Today is the day for you to truly show up for yourself.

REST like you LOVE yourself!

We have one more week to go in the

“Show up for yourself” series

But I thought this week it would be nice to have a mini review of the past few weeks and the content that I’ve shared with you so far.

After all, I know that it’s been a lot. I know that your plate is always full (all the more reason to take the time for you).

The emphasis of this series, as I’m sure you’re aware, has been on taking responsibility for your life.

Being there for yourself.

Stepping up in ways that you maybe haven’t before.

And doing it with love and compassion for yourself.

I don’t expect that you’ve mastered it. I never will. That’s not how life works. Sure, we get better and more knowledgeable as we gain more experience, but we’re forever learning and tweaking and building upon what we have learnt and how we do things.

So for me, what’s most important is that you are showing up for yourself, every damn day, because you LOVE yourself.

Because you know that if you don’t do it, no-one else will.

That’s just how this life works.

It doesn’t mean that no-one’s there for you or has your back (you know I’m here for you 😘!)

It means that you are in the driver’s seat of your life and change, should you so desire it, comes from within YOU.

And I haven’t met a single person on this earth who doesn’t want something to shift in their life, whether it’s something they do or how they do it, something they feel or something they think or believe.

Us humans are always looking to level up in life.

Don’t you agree?

So this week, let’s REST like you LOVE yourself.

Take some time out (even just five minutes), journal a little maybe.

Go outside and sit on the grass in the sun.

If you’re feeling called to sleep in, do it.

Feel like laying on the couch and watching your favourite movie, go for it.

If you want to take a night off your workout, do it, heck if you want a personal day from work, take it!

Don’t ever forget to give yourself time to rest.

To listen to the call of your body to take time for you.

To allow the parasympathetic a chance to switch on.

Breathe deeply into your belly, in and our your nose and feel peace and gratitude for your life and the choice to rest.

Even though you’ve likely been conditioned to never rest, and to feel guilty when you want to.

Try to let that go and just enjoy taking time for yourself.

And if it’s too hard for you to do this, it may be time to take a serious look at what comes up for you when you want to rest but push yourself through it.

Time to reflect on the automatic thoughts that pop into your head…

“You’re so lazy/unmotivated/selfish/irresponsible… insert any other word”

“You have more important things to do.”

“There’s no time to waste. In fact, I have no time!”

“People are relying on me to do x for them, I couldn’t possibly rest!”

“If I don’t do it (that very “important thing”), who else is going to do it?”

So I’ll ask you again, can you, for the next week, take the time to REST like you LOVE yourself?!!

(Just to be clear, prioritising rest DOESN’T mean you stop moving your body. You can choose to take a week just solely for rest but you can also continue to move your body, this is up to you 😉.) 

BUT, while you’re resting, feel free to click on the link below and review the Show Up For Yourself (SUFY) series so far and think about all the ways you can start or continue implementing them!

I dare you 😉!

So a reminder… 

All you’ve got to do this week is notice when you are in need of rest and allow yourself to take the time to do it.

Repeat after me… 

“Today I am going to Rest like I LOVE myself!” 

(Feels good, doesn’t it!) 

Much love and lots of exquisite rest this week ❤️,

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